The ACT gets a makeover.
A fun interview to kick off the new school year!
Teaser: hiring a coach is a game changer.
These aren’t your grandfather’s As.
Would there really be less net stress if the tests were gone? Everyone will still be looking for an edge. Will it go somewhere more helpful/meaningful?
Let's say your student has a strong GPA and either boasts an impressive ACT/SAT score or isn't applying with one - how do they set themself apart in a competitive applicant pool where having those achievements is not much different than putting their name on the application?
What is the story behind score plateaus?
More than 4 in 10 seniors meet none of the college readiness benchmarks; 70% of seniors fall short of college readiness benchmark for mathematics.
Interview with Paula Sands Live!
Living Local Interview Round 2!
The game within the game. How to manage the adversity, discover patterns, and take advantage of the consistencies within your test.
A certified game-plan for your college experience (plus a free College Money Report).
Students can select to demonstrate a strength in testing or choose to blend in with other non-submitters.
Which games are being played behind the scenes?
Controllable vs Uncontrollable
A heartfelt, empathetically present, incrementally inspiring parent or coach can liberate an ambitious child.
A new era of testing awaits.
“I’d do anything to be my best! “…except for what it takes.
While colleges reverting to “test optional” provided some relief, it still left a lot of questions to be answered as far as what approach to testing is best for students.
ACT supers scores have arrived!