You’re telling me I have to take a 3+ hour test over English, Math, Reading, AND Science?

You’re saying that I’ve likely never been taught how to pace the tests, what concepts are most essential, and what strategies work and don’t work?

You’re also acknowledging that I’m essentially on my own to prepare for this test that is a top 3 factor in my college acceptance and scholarship consideration?

All the above and more are thoughts swirling in the heads of students as they are reminded that they’re taking this “important” test. This typically followed by anxiousness about performance, mounds of resources to sift through, and a lack of structure or accountability to prepare. Often times the result of all of these things is overwhelm and inaction. A heavy amount of resistance sets in and the task of preparing for the test feels too daunting.

The good news is students don’t have to take on this test alone. Just as those in business go through career programs and athletes hire private trainers to improve their skillsets, test takers can hire coaches to prepare them for the ACT.

As a coach for over 6 years now, I can speak to the advantage that training provides students. I see significant decreases in anxiety, increases in confidence, improvement in comfort level, and results in performance (average increase of 3.5-4.0 on composite scores) . A student may feel aware that they struggled with pace, couldn’t solve math problems, forgot english concepts, and didn’t understand the passages in reading or science, but they can’t properly assess themself to make the necessary adjustments that will improve performance. An ACT prep coach can dissect a students approach and knowledge and create a plan of attack to develop a students strengths and weaknesses to maximize their test score.

Another powerful aspect is having someone to filter out the noise of resources available. There are so many giant text books, online articles, and teachers recommending a variety of approaches. It’s information overload. A coach can break the material down in to digestible topics and thoughtfully curate lessons to focus on the most impactful practice for a particular student. It’s also worth mentioning that although the practice test resources are valuable, the explanations tend to be written in ways that aren’t easy to learn from alone. A seasoned coach with mastery of material can teach students the strategies and concepts in a tailored way that resonates with their learning style.

Last but certainly not least, arguably the biggest difference maker of working with a coach is the structure and accountability component. Making an impactful leap on the ACT takes hours of studying and for a high school student with extracurriculars, challenging coursework, a job, and a social life, staying disciplined and efficient with test prep is next to impossible. Working side by side with a coach can be the invisible hand needed to guide a student through the information chaos and remain committed to the process of mastering the test. In the end, students walk away with the ability to endure the lengthy exam, manage clock, navigate material and strategies efficiently, and position themselves for a stronger application.

>>> In the QC area, connect with us to get free guidance on your student’s testing journey:

>>> Reading from afar? Check out our ACT Prep Playbook for a short study guide that covers all 4 sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science) designed by a professional ACT prep coach (yours truly!) :
