At this time parents are faced with the challenge of helping their students with not just homework, but also assisting in teaching the class lessons. More technology and new learning methods are a lot for parents to adapt to given the current circumstances. To ease the chaos, here are some useful resources that can do some of the teaching for you! 


Khan Academy is my personal favorite. This is the holy grail of learning resources. This site has instructional videos, structured learning paths, and a wealth of problems for any subject area you can imagine. It is especially useful for mathematics development. I use this for a lot of my students and the best part is that is FREE! 


Wolfram Alpha is a life saver for high school and college math courses. A big part of learning on your own in math can be working backwards from a solution. For just about any math equation or question Wolfram Alpha will provide you a wealth of information about the topic along with the answer. Big time advantage for problem solving on your own. 

  • is the starting point for students who are planning to take the ACT. Not only can you learn about the test and sign up here, but students can work on multiple sets of practice questions for each subject area of the test. This tool allows students to check their answers and receive feedback for each question to kick start the studying process for this important exam. 


Purdue OWL is a great resource for writing papers at the high school or collegiate level. It has detailed instructions and examples on the various formatting procedures for research papers, work cited pages, and bibliographies. There is also a wide range of information to help students with grammar, punctuation, and other nuances of writing. 


Duolingo is a language learning site with fun games and creative lesson plans. It offers a rewarding, personalized learning experience in more than 20 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more. 


Of course we can’t forget Youtube. This is often underrated as a resource for learning. There is large pool of educational "how to" videos on just about any topic imaginable. This is where you can direct a student when they're striking out. This has been a personal life saver for me in certain situations and can be the same for your students! 


Last, but not least Transform Tutoring! We’re always here to help navigate a wide range of mathematics courses and ACT prep. If you’re looking for more of a one on one environment with an expert tutor, we’re the resource for you!

Happy learning! - Alec Fetterer, Owner @ Transform Tutoring

