ACT prep is a great way to increase the odds of getting into a target school, improving your chances of earning a scholarship, and building confidence for college academics. ACT tutoring programs such as ours are much like taking an extra class with homework and hours of personal training. 

With accountability being so important, group training is a great way to motivate students to perform their best and allow them to have someone else to share the experience with. It can be intimidating with all of the material covered, but knowing someone else is facing similar challenges helps students relax. Ideas and lessons can be learned, and students can teach one another while discussing strategies outside of the lessons. (Did I mention it makes training more cost/time efficient for parents as well!) Rates drop when students pair up, allowing more students to be helped and more money to be saved. Group training is a win-win for parents and students. If you have any questions about how to set up a group training program contact me today!
