1. Just because you’ve mastered the subject, doesn’t mean you’ve mastered teaching it- Ever since I was a youngster problem solving subjects have always clicked with me. This led me to believe that teaching these subjects to others would be a walk in the park. This was not the case. It took dozens of one on one sessions to be able to anticipate problems students have, pinpoint difficult material within a course, and reverse engineer explanations so that they hit home with clients.


  2. Growing a student’s comfort level and confidence is equally important as material – Many students respond poorly to training when they aren’t comfortable making themselves vulnerable to a teacher or a trainer. Once those barriers are broken down, I can reveal the true challenges students face and present them with study strategies designed to build their confidence. This combination leads to more questions (the key to learning) and a belief that they can truly reach their goal.


  3. Tutoring is as much for the exceptional student as it is for the struggling one – Whether you’re the best athlete on the team or the worst, there is always a next level to strive for. The same goes with learning. Everyday students should try to advance their knowledge and climb new mountains to develop their skills. I’ve found that tutoring is a perfect opportunity to do so as it provides academic training and mentorship to guide students throughout their careers.


  4. Education is much broader than just school – One thing I promised myself is that every student I work with will walk away with much more than a higher grade and better understanding of a subject. I’m committed to train students how to learn, how to be creative, and how to find different ways of advancing their education. After working with hundreds of students, one thing is certain: there is no one size fits all approach. Engage in your passion, and seek out the people and places that will help you grow in it.


  5. The ACT is not an aptitude test – Yes it is true that your ACT score is important to colleges. That’s because it is a college readiness exam. No it is not a measure of IQ, nor is it a predictor of future success. A student’s grit and work ethic will carry them much further than an ACT score will. This is one of the reasons I love training students for this test. With perseverance and structure you can learn this exam. You can improve your odds of getting a scholarship or into the school of your choice. At the same time I can teach students learning strategies and problem solving techniques that will help them for the rest of their careers.

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